PJ Fossum

Mail: p.jacob.fossum@gmail.com
Tlf.: 71583983
PJ Fossum is a Canadian pianist now performing mostly in improvised music and jazz. He also has extensive performing experience in neo-soul, funk, salsa, pop, rock, and reggae. Having trained in classical piano as a child, he studied jazz at the New School in New York where he resided for 5 years. In 2020 he moved to Denmark where he studied piano & electronics at RMC receiving a Kandidat in performance focussing on improvised music and electro-acoustics.
His private teaching style focusses most on the process of learning itself to keep music an enjoyable and fulfilling pursuit. He strives to guide students to find what they value most in their music studies and design strategies and techniques to uphold and build upon those values. He has taught piano, synthesizer, improvisation, composition, ear training, and music theory; privately, in a classroom setting, and in workshops spanning a teaching career of over 10 years.
He now performs regularly with his solo electro-acoustic project Amalgamation-Integration, jazz project Tympanic Attack, and improvised/songwriting project Estuary.
Teaching Work
Private Instruction 2012-now
Workshop Instructor (ActinArts Bootcamp, N:ear Festival) 2022-now
Instructor at SyncSource LLC (Weaver Method) 2019-20
Tutor & Instructor at The New School 2016-19
Rytmisk Musikkonservatorium-RMC (DK) 2020-22
MMus - Music Performance: Piano & Electronics
The New School for Jazz and Contemporary Music (US) 2015-19
BFA - Jazz Performance: Piano
Active Projects
Tympanic Attack (DK) 2022-now
Amalgamation-Integration (EU/DK) 2021-now
Tendavillage (CA) 2020-now
Estuary (US/CA) 2018-now
PJ Fossum Trio (CA/DK) 2013-now